The Random Legacy Challenge - Love Stories

I decided to add some fun and a some romance rules for Random Legacy Challenge.

So, first we will randomly choose a features which should have a perfect life partner of our heir or founder.

Then Heir must find a suitable character from the generated in game sims. I think there may be situations when a suitable Sim will not be available. In this case, select a character close to the description, a suitable for most signs but family do not get points for that (we can get 10 points if heirs find completely suitable characters /instead of the category Love - Scoring/)


* First throw the dice how many of the selections must be observed. (1-5),

then which of the characteristics must be compliance (for example, if you have to observe 3 out of 6 - determine exactly what category we should observe. so we throw the dice 3 times), and then throw the dice for each of the characteristics. *
All the characteristics of appearance determined approximately.
  For example, if you roll a partner with dark hair - it does not mean that the hair should necessarily be black. That mean all the colors that are conditional to the definition of "brunette".

------ 1 Hair Color (1-10)

1-2. Black(dark)
3-4. Brown
5-7. Auburn / redhead
8-9. Blonde
Unusual color (pink, green, coloring) 
------ 2 Eye Color 

1-3. Blue / violet.
4-7. Green.
8-9. Brown / Black.
10. Gray.

------ 3 Skin color
1-3. Light
4-7. Brown
8-9. Dark
10. Unnatural (green, blue)

------ 4 Body type
1-3. Slim
4-6. Thick
7-10. Athletic

 ------ 5 Age (ASK AGE MOD)
1-4. Young (contemporary)
5-7. Adult (older than the heir)
8-9. Elders (
much older than the heir)
10 Teenager (younger than the heir)
 ------ 6. Gait (option just for fun - you can change the gait in CAS editor after marriage)
  1. Default Walk, 
  2. Perky Walk, 
  3. Snooty Walk, 
  4. Swagger Walk, 
  5. Feminine Walk,
  6. Tough Walk, 
  7. Goofy Walk, 
  8. Sluggish Walk 
  9.  Bouncy  Walk.
  10.  Default Walk,
Traits ROLL (1-35)
  1. Active - These Sims tend to be Energized, can Pump Up other Sims, and may become upset if they don’t exercise for a period of time.
  2. Cheerful - These Sims tend to be Happier than other Sims.
  3. Creative - These Sims tend to be Inspired, can Share Creative Ideas with other Sims, and may become upset if they’re not creative for a period of time.
  4. Genius - These Sims tend to be Focused, can Share Ideas with other Sims, and may become upset if they haven’t improved their Mental Skills for some time.
  5. Gloomy - These Sims tend to be Sad, can Sigh to other Sims, and while Sad, gain a boost to their Creative Skill.
  6. Goofball – These Sims tend to be playful.
  7. Hot-Headed – These Sims tend to be Angry, can Rile up other Sims, and become Angry when targeted with Mischief.
  8. Romantic - These Sims tend to be Flirty and may become Sad if they don’t have any Romantic social interactions for a period of time.
  9. Self-Assured – These Sims tend to be Confident.
  10. Art Lover – These Sims gain powerful Moodlets from viewing works of art and can Admire Art and discuss art in unique ways.
  11. Bookworm - These Sims gain powerful Moodlets from reading Books and can analyze Books and discuss Books in unique ways.
  12. Foodie - These Sims become Happy and have Fun when eating good food, become Uncomfortable when eating bad food, and can watch Cooking Shows for ideas.
  13. Geek - These Sims become Happy when reading Sci-Fi or playing Video Games, may become Tense if they haven’t played much, are better at finding Collectibles, and can discuss Geek Things with other Geek Sims.
  14. Music Lover – These Sims gain powerful Moodlets and boost their Fun Need when listening to Music and become Happy when playing instruments.
  15. Perfectionist - These Sims take longer to craft items but tend to make them higher quality, gain powerful Moodlets after crafting a high quality item, and gain negative Moodlets after crafting a low quality item.
  16. Ambitious - These Sims gain powerful Moodlets from Career success, gain negative Moodlets from career failure, and may become upset if not promoted.
  17. Childish - These Sims gain powerful Moodlets from watching the Kids Network, become Playful when playing with Children, and become Happy when playing with Children’s toys.
  18. Clumsy - These Sims tend to fail more often at physical activities and tend to laugh at failure instead of becoming upset.
  19. Glutton - These Sims have a greater negative reaction to Hunger, always enjoy eating, no matter the quality of the food, and will eat Spoiled Food.
  20. Insane – These Sims can Talk to themselves and have unpredicatable Emotions.
  21. Lazy - These Sims gain powerful Moodlets from watching TV or napping as well as from Comfortable furniture, become Fatigued more quickly from exercise, and grow Tense when performing household chores.
  22. Loves Outdoors – These Sims can Enthuse about Nature to other Sims and become Happy when Outdoors.
  23. Materialistic - These Sims can Admire and Brag about Possessions and become Sad when they haven’t purchased a new item for a period of time.
  24. Neat - These Sims become Happy and have Fun when performing household chores, can have a cleaning Frenzy, and become really Uncomfortable in dirty surroundings.
  25. Slob - These Sims are not affected by dirty surroundings, make household items dirtier faster, and can rummage for Food in garbage.
  26. Snob - These Sims can critique Work on low quality items, are bored by “low brow” television, and gain Confidence around other Snob Sims.
  27. Bro - These Sims can Bro Hug other Bros, gain Confidence around other Bros, become Energized from watching Sports.
  28. Evil - These Sims become Happy around Sims with negative Moodlets, can laugh Maniacally and discuss Evil Plans, and become Angry when interacting with Good Sims.
  29. Family-Oriented – These Sims become Happy around family members, become Sad if they don’t interact with family for a period of time, and can Boast about Family.
  30. Good - These Sims become Happy around Sims with positive Moodlets, can Donate to Charity, become Sad with interacting with Evil Sims, and can Discuss World Peace.
  31.   – These Sims become Angry around Children, become Tense after Try for a Baby, and can be Mean to Children.
  32. Loner - These Sims become Happy when alone, do not receive negative Moodlets when their Social Need is low, become Tense around strangers, and become Embarrassed more often by social rejection.
  33. Mean - These Sims become Happy when being Mean or Mischievous to other Sims and become Confident after winning a fight.
  34. Noncommittal - These Sims become Tense after a while in the same job or relationship, become Happy when they quit a Job or Break Off a relationship, take longer to Propose, and can Discuss their Fear of Commitment.
  35. Outgoing - These Sims gain powerful Moodlets from Friendly socialization, have their Social Need decay quickly, and gain more negative Moodlets when their Social Need is low.

And now the main thing. In every generation, one way or another sims have their own love story. Marital Status parameter can be replaced by love stories rules.

  Love Stories Roll (1-20)
MH - Main Hero- (means - heir or founder)
FS - Future Spouse - ( means beloved character for your heir)
  • 1. Based on "Cinderella"

Main Hero  works and earns alone, and does
all the the housework - cleaning, cooking, repairing. (if possible and when he is on the lot)
MH can  talk to future spouse(FS) only in a friendly way, and MH can develop a romantic relationship with FS only during parties. You have to get the gold for all parties. Marriage proposal and marriage should be done at the big party.

  • 2. "Opposites Attract"

(Cancels roll traits for the spouse

You must do Roll again if heir does not have any of the following features.

Heir must find her
Future Spouse, who must have at least one of the opposite trait to MH: (if FS will have more than one common traits - you get 1 point in scoring) 
Active - Lazy
Lazy - Active/Ambitious/Neat
Cheerful - Hot-Headed/Gloomy
Gloomy - Hot-Headed/Cheerful
Hot-Headed - Gloomy/Cheerful
Childish - Hates Children/Evil/Snob
Goofball - Snob
Snob - Childish/Goofball
Foodie - Glutton
Glutton - Foodie
Ambitious - Lazy
Slob Neat
Neat - Slob/ Lazy
Good - Evil/Mean
Outgoing - Loner
Loner - Outgoing
Mean - Good 
Evil - Good / Childish
Noncommittal - Family-Oriented
Hates Children - Family-Oriented/ Childish
Family-Oriented - Noncommittal/ Hates Children

  •  3. "Feat in the name of love: Slim as a cypress" 
Before starting a romantic relationship with your FS heir must lose his weight.
If the heir is thin, the first he needs to get fat with the help of drink from Lifetime Rewards.
 *Insta-Large (750 SP) – Drink this to become a bigger you!
But after that MH MUST Lose weight in naturally way - sport and diet.

  •   4. "Feat in the name of love: Beauty and the fat"

Before starting a romantic relationship with your FS  heir must grow fat.
If the heir is already thick, first he needs to lose weight. You can use a drink
Insta-Lean (750 SP) – The most efficient diet beverage on the market
But after that MH MUST to get fat in natural way - eat more calories.

  • 5. "Blue or pink Love" (gay / lesbian love) 
FS must be the same sex as the heir. Children they will have to adopt.
  • 6. "Can you love two sims at once?"
MH must become a couple and live with two characters in the same time.
(you must roll the features of appearance and character traits for each one).  
But only one of the partners may make a career and earn money. 
Children may be from both partners.
  •  7."From hatred to love one step?"
The heir must make the enemy fall in love with him.
To do this, first you will need to
decrease romantic and friendly relationship with your FS to the level of -100 and only then begin to rebuild relationships.
  •  8. "Three to Tango" 
MH must fight for the love with an opponent character. One who wins - takes chosen to spouses. The loser remains only a couple (lover). They will live all together. And hair in any case must have children with FS.
! - If MH (heir) have sisters / brothers - possible heirs, the one who will win the heart of the FS character becomes the next heir.
! - - If the MH is sole heir of, who appropriate to the role of heir - then to the lot must be invited assistant (friend) who will be the MH opponent
The rules of the competition.
1. Each challendger have to date with FS 5 times. By turns. Who will have more gold medals for the date gets 1 point.
2. After 5 dates - compare level friendly and romantic relationship both challengers with the FS. One who has a relationship with the FS higher - earns 1 point.
3. If both competitors have the same number of points, then the one who wins in a fight - gets the hand and heart of the FS.

  •  9. "Ghost of Love" 
MH shall to take in spouses elder character (cancels roll for age), but when his love dies - he must invite the ghost in the family and make woohoo with ghost.  When it comes to turn the next generation the ghost must be released.  

  • 10 "Eternal Love"
(Cancels  roll for heir`s aspirations ) Aspiration  is - The popular author
MH should write the book of life before he can make marriage proposal. Thereafter,  spouse must die (you can use mod or code or some natural death), and then must be resurrected by heir.
  •  11 "Songs of Love"
To win the heart and to get married with FS heir must to devote for FS 5 songs and 5 times play for FS a serenade.

  • 12 "Words of Love"
To win the heart and to get married with FS heir must to devote for FS 5 published books, write 5 love letters, and read 5 times his poetry.
  •  13 "Colors of Love"
 To win the heart and to get married with FS heir must to devote for FS 5 flirty paintings.

  • 14 "Like two peas"
 By analogy  2 "Opposites Attract"
(Cancels roll traits for the spouse)
MH must find his soul mate, which should have at least one common trait with MH (if more than one trait will be in common - family get 1 point - in Scoring).
  •  15. "Straight to the stars"
 (Cancels career role for heir) Career The astronaut
 To win the love of FS heir must reach level 10 astronaut career, get the mood "Starry Night", when showing the constellation on the date, make WooHoo with FS in the rocket.
  •  16 "Second Chance" 
Your heir must obtain two live-in partners during the generation. At least one child must be born or adopted with the first partner. At some point after the birth first child your heir must get rid of first partner (evicted from the lot, to divorce and to move out of the lot, to kill). After this, your Sim must find another partner, married or simply offer to relocate. (you must roll the features of appearance and character traits for each partner).

  • 17. "The Garden of Love"
To win the heart and to get married with FS heir must to grow a flower garden for beloved character with all known in-game flowers of excellent quality. 

  • 18 "In the Hall of the Mountain King"

To win the heart and to get married with FS heir must reach level 10 in mechanical aptitude, create for beloved character 3 flirty sculptures and make a marriage proposal in the Forgotten Grote (secret plot in Oasis Springs).
  • 19. "The way to the heart of sim lays through a stomach"
To win the heart and to get married with FS heir must reach level 10 in the Gourmet Cooking skill 
, treat your favorite character with 5 meals from gourmet recipes and  biscuits Coquette with great quality.
  •  20. "Unrequited Love"
 After MH finds the correct sim (FS) he develops with him only friendly relations up to level a best friend, and then offers to move in.
As soon as FS would be controlled by the player, FS has to find a partner (lover), the only requirement - that sim must have a trait Against children. FS must to conceive a child from this character. 
After that MH should fight with Sim-Against children, defending the honor of his chosen love.
------If MH wins in a fight, sim-FS remained in the family, and it is possible to develop a romantic relationship and get married (Happy End)
 ------If MH loses a fight, the sim-FS leaves the family to the character-Against children.
!!!! In any case, the child from Sim-FS and character-Against children remains in the family dynasty on the rights of the adopted child. !!!

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